
Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Didn't mean to end that last post, just hit the wrong button. Expect more of that.
You're just lucky I don't need to use a fax or copy machine in order to do this.

I was a philosophy major in college. That's why I like to contemplate things like this

In my opinion, the press is still way too easy on Bush. For example:
Page four of Sunday's Washington Post carried a story titled "The President as Average Joe," which described how George W. Bush is trying once again to cast himself as a regular fella so as to boost his anemic poll numbers. "As he takes to the road to salvage his presidency," reported the Post, "Bush is letting down his guard and playing up his anti-intellectual, regular-guy image."

Most of us, presumably, know enough "Average Joe" types to fill a room. Most of us, presumably, don't know a single "Average Joe" type who could pull off a trick like the one reported by the New York Times last week. The issue centered, once again, around a memo that was drafted before the invasion of Iraq.

Now, this article goes on to enumerate the lies and other deceptions, but too many times all they do is give examples of cutesy banter between Bush and reporters. If I was in the room with such an evil man, I wouldn't be able to accept his joking or take it as an example of his regular guy-ness. If you saw Russ on Faux News (may still be available here)
you know what a regular guy sounds like.

Speaking of the bravest man in the Senate, thisthis is an okay description of the hearings. Last word from Russ:
''The assertions that are being made by the White House here would probably have made the Nixon White House blush," he said. ''This matter can be alive for a very long time."


At 3:43 PM, Blogger Marina said...

you can go back and edit your posts if you hit the wrong button. go to 'edit posts' on the dashboard, i think.

also, you are awesome. :)


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