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Advice for the Preznit….as if he’d listen to anyone outside the bubble!
CAN THIS PRESIDENCY be saved? President Bush's approval rating has plummeted to a dismal 38 percent, according to the latest Post-ABC News poll. Democrats will rejoice at their improving prospects of recovering a majority in Congress. But a damaged president governing for nearly three more years in a dangerous world is no cause for rejoicing. With that in mind, we offer Mr. Bush, at no charge, some advice on a fresh start.Free advice here
And more advice hidden here:
Part salesman and part TV talk show host, President Bush chuckled and cracked one-liners with Medicare recipients Tuesday as he used a Missouri stage to encourage millions of seniors to sign up soon for a new prescription drug benefit.
Maybe you had to be there, but these jokes just don’t seem funny to me..
More hilarity from the Leaker-in-Chief:
…the process for getting a warrant doesn't count when you don't bother to get one.Kind of makes my head hurt, but this provides a good explanation
The most amazing thing about this story is that it’s in the Salt Lake City paper!
Slowly this country has come to the realization that nothing the president and his minions say is believable, yet they still want us to just trust them. There hasn't been a more dangerous combination of incompetence, mendacity and arrogance since Lansford Hastings encouraged the Donner Party to diverge from the Oregon trail and take his ''shortcut.''Here’s more
This is sooo ridiculous
It's the old "heads I win, tails you lose" deal, the ultimate sucker's bet. If President Bush leaks, he's just being, well, presidential. Hail to the chief. If others leak, and if any journalist catches the spill, then leaker and leakee are being unpatriotic and are endangering our troops. Shame on them.
It is not even clear that the security information was formally declassified. Libby argues, in apparent mimicry of the president and vice president, that the material was "effectively declassified by virtue of the president's authorization that it be disclosed."
This is all of a piece with this administration's astonishing and aggrandizing claim that, as commander in chief, the president can ignore laws and treaties he finds bothersome, imprison suspects at will and indefinitely, and spy on Americans' international communications without securing warrants.
Continued here , and a detailed timeline with references
A real problem, and I like the terminology…
Disease-mongering promotes non-existent diseases and exaggerates mild problems to boost profits, the Public Library of Science Medicine reported.more mongering here
To compound the error of talking about politics, how about we start mixing religion in?
Right-wing church movements have been a staple of American politics since well before the 1692 witch trials at Salem. But only in the past few decades has the extremist church served as the grassroots base for a new breed of corporate totalitarianism. That unholy union has been nowhere more powerful than here in Ohio, and it has finally provoked a response from the state’s mainstream churches.This is an excellent article
Seems like on “our” side of the battle, there’s no shortage of issues, or of people who pick one as THE issue. Of course, that must be true ont eh other side as well. So how do we make use of this insight?
First there are the Neocon Yuppies (anti-smoking and pro-sex) vs Redneck "Christians" (pro-smoking and anti-sex). Both these groups may be united on the war and taxes but they absolutely hate each other in every other aspect. Then there can be a huge difference between male Republicans and female Republicans in that the former are against victim feminism and the latter are actually more susceptible to victim feminist theory than Democrat women. Let's look at some big issues. Discuss any of the below issues on the airwaves, in campaign speeches and in the blogosphere...and you can be sure of causing disarray in the various Republican camps.
read on for some specific suggestions
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